Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Here we go again…

image $700 billion more.

You and I (and our children and grandchildren) stuck footing the bill.

By now, you’ve heard the story. Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, proposed a bold new plan of action that would drive the value of the dollar into the ground. It would create exciting new opportunities for government corruption. And, it would make each of us marginally better off for a few months while harming all of us for the next 100 years.

If you need background, see the Ron Paul video below.

I don’t typically get involved much in politics. But this issue burns me up. Take action now. Contact your Senators and Congressman. (Disclosure—link goes to a John Birch Society sponsored website—if you disagree with their politics, use another service).

This article is an interesting commentary of how over 100 economists feel about the issue.

Sorry for two straight political posts, but I think that ultimately this issue will affect each of our lives much more than who the next president is.

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